
GET /version

Reports the version of the API.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – version of the server

GET /health

Check the health of the API.

`This endpoint checks the health of the following services::raw-html-md:`
- API:raw-html-md:<br/>- Database:raw-html-md:<br/>- Celery:raw-html-md:<br/>

Status Codes:
GET /status

Check the status of the Celery workers.

`This endpoint checks the status of the Celery workers.:raw-html-md:`

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Detailed status of the Celery workers

GET /count

Count the number of records in the person table.

`This endpoint counts the number of records in the person table. It used a:raw-html-md:`
`direct SQL query to the database (So not using the celery workers).:raw-html-md:`

Status Codes:
GET /error

Produce an error on the query.

`This endpoint is used to test the error handling of the API.:raw-html-md:`

Status Codes:
GET /result/{id_}

Retrieve the status and/or result of a task.

`This endpoint retrieves the status and/or result of a task. The task id is:raw-html-md:`
`returned by the CeleryTest endpoint.:raw-html-md:`

Status Codes:
GET /celery

Create a count task.

`This endpoint creates a count task and returns the task id. This endpoint:raw-html-md:`
`uses the celery workers. The result can be retrieved with the CeleryStatus:raw-html-md:`

Status Codes: